13 Amazing Health Benefits Of Tamarind Leaves

- Diet Tips - December 28, 2022
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The mere mention of tamarind is enough to get most of you drooling! It immediately brings up that sour, tangy zest at the tip of your tongue! While you all must be familiar with tamarind and its many benefits, are you aware of the benefits of tamarind leaves as well? Yes, just like tamarind seeds and their pulp, tamarind leaves and bark extracts also offer you many health-enriching benefits. Wondering what and how you can make the most of these tangy leaves? Read on to know more in detail!

Fun Fact Tamarind leaves have been used in Indian cuisine and Ayurvedic remedies for centuries. It imparts a tart flavor to soups, curries, and chutneys

In This Article

Health Benefits Of Tamarind Leaves

1. Provides Relief From Malaria

Malaria is caused by the female mosquito (1). Tamarind possesses anti-malarial property (2). Tamarind leaves extract may inhibit the growth of Plasmodium falciparum, which is carried by the mosquito and causes malaria.

StyleCraze Trivia In the Philippines, tamarind leaves are used in traditional medicine to prepare herbal tea for reducing malaria.

2. May Control Diabetes


Tamarind plant reportedly possesses antidiabetic activity (2). Consuming a concoction of tamarind leaves may help control the body’s blood sugar levels and increase its insulin sensitivityXA term that refers to how well your body cells respond to the effects of the insulin hormone. . It may also help cure jaundice (3).

3. May Help Treat Scurvy

Scurvy, also known as sailor’s disease, is caused due to the deficiency of Vitamin C. It is generally accompanied by symptoms like bleeding gums and nails, and fatigue (4). Tamarind leaves have a high ascorbic acidXA potent antioxidant that supports the maintenance of connective tissue. Its deficiency causes scurvy. content (3), which may help treat scurvy symptoms.

4. Heals Wounds


Tamarind leaves contain antisepticXAn ingredient that can block the growth of harmful, disease-causing bacteria. properties that accelerate wound healing (3). The juice also prevents other infections. Tamarind leaves may accelerate the generation of red, white blood cells (5).

StyleCraze Trivia Traditional Indian folk medicine mentions using tamarind leaves wash or paste to reduce sprain and swelling.

5. May Improve Lactation

The extract from tamarind leaves may help lactating mothers improve the quality of breast milk. However, there is no research to back this claim.

6. Inhibits Genital Infections

Tamarind leaf extracts are useful in stopping genital infections and also provide relief from their symptoms (6).

7. May Provide Relief From Menstrual Cramps


We all know how terrible menstrual cramps can be. Tamarind contains analgesic activity (2). It may lessen the pain and make periods more manageable. The leaves of papaya, salt, and water can be added to increase the efficiency of the leaves. But, make sure that you don’t use too much salt.

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8. Possesses Anti Inflammatory Properties

Tamarind leaves possess anti-inflammatory properties and can be used as a cure for joint pains and other inflammations (2).

9. Protects Body From Infections


Tamarind leaves are a storehouse of Vitamin C, which may ward away most infections (2).

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10. Good For Oral Health And Tooth Ache


Oral hygiene is extremely important. One of the main complaints patients dealing with oral problems is bad breath. Toothache also tops the chart. Tamarind leaves can be used as an ideal treatment for both issues. However, research in this regard is limited.

11. May Reduce Cancer Threat

Antioxidants are super important to get rid of free radicals (7). Free radicals are the culprits behind aging skin, cancer, and many other issues (7). The tamarind leaf extract can help stall these problems as it contains a high dosage of antioxidants (3).

12. Treats Ulcer

Ulcers can lead to unbearable pain. The juice from tamarind leaves can be administered to cure ulcers and provide relief from the symptoms (3).

Related: Stomach Ulcers: 17 Home Remedies, Symptoms, And Diet Chart

13. Provides Relief From Hypertension

In today’s lifestyle, where hypertension, or high BP, is pretty common, tamarind leaves can help you lower it (8). However, more research is needed to back these claims. Low blood pressure means lower risks of strokes, cardiovascular diseases, and more.

Infographic Excerpt: 8 Health Benefits Of Tamarind Leaves

Tamarind leaves are packed with beneficial phytonutrients and offer a range of health benefits. They have anti-inflammatory properties and are a rich source of vitamin C. Including them in your daily diet can help resolve many health problems. In the following infographic, we have listed the top 8 health benefits of tamarind leaves. Take a look.

The varied benefits of tamarind leaves stem from their rich phytonutrientXA general term used to denote a diverse variety of compounds produced by plants. profile. It has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, it is good for oral health, prevents tooth damage, and may inhibit genital infections. Tamarind leaves may help control diabetes and scurvy. There is some evidence that it may relieve menstrual cramps, boost wound healing, and improve lactation. Tamarind leaves may help reduce the risk of cancer and soothe ulcers. You can consume its extract or make its tea to reap its benefits. However, excessive use may have adverse effects. Consult your physician if you experience any side effects.