Genital Skin Tags: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, & Prevention

- Glowing Skin - July 25, 2022
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Skin tags, also known as acrochordons, are harmless growths that appear on skin folds and affect almost 25% of the population. They can be found on your face, neck, or even the genitals. Read on to understand more about them and treatment options.

In This Article

What Is A Genital Skin Tag?


A genital skin tag is the same as a regular skin tag only that its located in the genital area. They are harmless and painless unless when pinched or rubbed, which causes them to become itchy and irritable.

Male genital tags are found on the scrotum and in very rare cases on the penis (2), while females have them near the pubic region, vulva, and labia majora. These tags are generally 2-5mm in size and are harmless (3).

In the next section, let us look at some of the symptoms of genital skin tags.

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Symptoms Of Genital Skin Tags

Genital skin tags have the same symptoms as regular skin tags.

  • They appear as tiny bumps on the skin that is soft to touch.
  • Over a period of time, they grow into a flesh-colored piece of skin attached to the surface of the skin by a stalk.
  • You can develop blood clots and a painful sensation if you twist the stalk of the skin tag (4).

StyleCraze SaysSome genital skin tags may change from flesh color to darker shades of brown. This is common and generally not a cause for concern.

Now that you’ve understood the symptoms of genital skin tags, you are likely to be more careful with them. In the next section, let us look at some of the causes of genital skin tags.

What Causes Genital Skin Tags To Appear?


There are no definite reasons as to what causes skin tags to appear. Researchers suspect that when clusters of collagen and blood get trapped inside a piece of skin, skin tags appear (4). They also tend to appear commonly in areas where your skin folds, like your armpits, under your neck, and genital areas (4).

Genital skin tags may also appear if you are obese, diabetic or have genetic diseases (4), (5).

Now let’s see genital skin tags are diagnosed.

How Are Genital Skin Tags Diagnosed?


If you notice any sort of bumps or anything out of the ordinary in your genital area, you should consult your doctor. Women can consult their OBGYN and men can consult their general physician if they notice any abnormal bumps or pimples near their genitals.

During your examination with the doctor, he may ask a few questions to ascertain whether you have a genital skin tag or an STD, your sexual history will also be part of the conversation to help the physician know what exactly they are dealing with. If it is a harmless skin tag, you won’t require further tests.

When diagnosing vaginal skin tags, your doctor will perform a pelvic examination where tissue cultures will be collected to understand the cause of the growth.

Related: Bumps On Areola And Nipples: Causes, Diagnosis, And TreatmentStyleCraze SaysYour doctor may also advise performing STI tests or a biopsy, depending on how complicated your condition looks.

What Are The Treatment Options Available For Genital Skin Tags?

Though harmless, some people may want to remove them because of aesthetic reasons and also as they may cause interference during sexual intimacy. There are 4 procedures that you can choose from to remove genital skin tags.

There are 4 procedures that you can choose from to remove genital skin tags.

1. Cryotherapy

This is a non-invasive procedure where the doctor uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the genital skin tag which falls off on its own after 4-5 days of the procedure.

2. Cauterization

In this process, the doctor burns the genital skin tag and it drops off after a couple of treatments.

3. Ligation

A surgical thread is tied to the genital skin tag to cut off blood flow, causing it to gradually fall off.

4. Excision

With the use of a local anesthetic, the doctor uses a surgical knife to cut the skin tag.

Are you wondering if genital skin tags can be prevented? Let us find out in the next section.

How To Prevent Genital Skin Tags?


The following are some of the ways genital tags can be prevented:

  • Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes and undergarments.
  • Exercise regularly for 30 minutes to keep your weight in check.
  • Avoid sugary foods.

It is important to understand that following these tips may help in minimizing the chances, but, no scientific evidence has backed these up.

In the next section, we will see how you may be able to get rid of genital skin tags.

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How To Get Rid Of Genital Skin Tags?


To remove skin tags near the genital region, people try many over-the-counter medications and home remedies that are not recommended by doctors. Household ingredients like Tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, and iodine are some of the items known to be used at home for skin tags.

In conclusion, all skin tags are the same – they are benign lesions and are not a skin disease.

Although you cannot prevent genital skin tags, if left alone, they cause no harm. Rubbing them and twisting them may cause irritation and even bleeding. However, they can be permanently removed with assistance from a medical doctor.