Stretch Marks On The Butt: Causes And How To Get Rid Of Them

- Glowing Skin - May 9, 2022
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Stretch marks may affect any body part, and you may even develop stretch marks on the butt. They develop when the collagen the skin’s elastin fibers are stretched, causing scar-like marks. Stretch marks on the butt are quite common and may be caused by a rapid increase or decrease in your weight, growth spurt, or pregnancy. This article discusses everything you need to know about stretch marks on the butt, how to reduce and prevent them. Read on.

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Ways To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks On The Butt

According to an analysis, 50%- 80% of people develop stretch marks at various stages of their lives (1). While you cannot get rid of these marks, you can minimize their appearance. Early stretch marks or red stretch marks are easy to treat than the white or the older ones. Hence, you must treat them while they are still fresh and red.

Stylecraze Trivia Stretch marks are formed in varying lengths and thicknesses. New marks can be pink, red, bluish, purple, or dark brown, depending on your skin tone.

There are two main ways to minimize their appearance:

1. Topical Medication And Remedies

Topical creams, emollients, and tretinoin are commonly used to prevent and manage the overall appearance of stretch marks. You may try the following methods (2):

  • Use emollients and OTC stretch mark creams (like Trofolastin and Alphastria) and plant oils like cocoa butter and almond and olive oils.
  • Massage the area with silicone gels.
  • Use chemical peels after consulting a doctor.
  • Apply tretinoin cream to minimize the appearance of red stretch marks. However, it may cause irritation, redness, and skin peeling. Avoid using retinoids during pregnancy.

You may also try natural remedies to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Topical treatments give better results when used on fresh stretch marks. However, if your stretch marks are old, you may need medical procedures.

Stylecraze Says Essential oils like tea tree, lavender, frankincense, etc., are also used to soothe and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

2. Medical Procedures

To minimize the appearance of white and old stretch marks on the butt, doctors may suggest:

  • Laser therapies like pulse dye laser and fractional lasers like erbium YAG procedures (3). They stimulate collagen and elastin production and reduce swelling and inflammation to improve skin quality and the appearance of stretch marks. However, laser therapy may cause temporary erythema (redness), edema (swelling due to fluid buildup), and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and persistent hypopigmentation in people with deeper skin tones (3).
  • Broadband ultraviolet radiation therapy may repigment the skin and improve the appearance of stretch marks (3). However, this is a temporary procedure, and results may fade in a few months.
  • Radiofrequency therapy may tighten the skin, reduce wrinkles, cellulite, and the appearance of stretch marks (3).
  • Platelet-rich plasma injections may rebuild collagen in the body and reduce stretch mark visibility. It also works well when combined with topical tretinoin (4).
  • Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is another medical procedure that may reduce stretch marks (5). The doctor uses a microneedling device to create tiny punctures on the skin to stimulate elastin and collagen production. It takes six sessions for six to seven months to get maximum results.
  • Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive procedure that helps minimize uneven skin tone, photoaging, melasma, and scars (like stretch marks). The doctor uses a microdermabrasion device with an abrasive tip to remove the top layer of skin. It promotes collagen and elastin production and may offer similar results for stretch marks as tretinoin cream (6), (7).
  • The doctor may also suggest treatments like Galvano puncture, pulsed magnetic field, laser lipolysis, and ultrasound to improve the appearance of stretch marks (2), (3).

These treatments may help fade stretch marks. However, there are many ways to prevent their development. Managing your diet and other factors can help improve your skin’s resilience and make it less prone to stretch marks. Here are a few tips.

Related: Mederma Stretch Marks Therapy Cream: Is It Effective?

Prevention Tips For Stretch Marks On The Butt

  • Consume A Healthy Diet: Your skin needs vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to stay healthy. Following a balanced and healthy diet helps your skin regulate its functions. Ensure you are eating the rainbow – a diet of fruits and veggies of all colors, dairy, whole grains, poultry, and seafood. Avoid processed and junk foods. Consuming a balanced diet also helps avoid overeating and rapid weight gain – the factors responsible for stretch marks.


  • Massaging The Affected Area: Anecdotal evidence suggests that massaging the skin with oil can keep the area hydrated and help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. However, do this at least twice a day for a few months to see any effect.


  • Stay Hydrated: About 70% of the human body is water. The skin and other organ cells and tissues need water to stay healthy and hydrated. Therefore, apart from moisturizing your skin from the outside, drink plenty of water to keep the cells hydrated from within.


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  • Exercise: Exercising may help manage your overall weight and reduce the chances of developing stretch marks. However, take slow and steady steps as intense workouts can increase muscle mass and increase the chances of developing stretch marks. Talk to a fitness instructor to chalk out a healthy exercise regimen.


Other than intense workouts, multiple other factors may increase your chances of developing stretch marks. Controlling those factors can help up to some extent. Let’s understand in detail.

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What Causes Stretch Marks On The Butt?


Stretch marks are caused when the skin stretches or shrinks rapidly, affecting collagen and elastin structures. Multiple factors can stretch the skin and leave behind marks. They include (3):

  1. Rapid weight gain or loss.
  2. Using synthetic testosterone steroids and naturally-derived testosterone steroids (for bodybuilding).
  3. Changes in hormone levels, collagen structure, and elastic tissues, often caused due to a deficiency in fibrillin, a glycoprotein needed to form elastic tissues.
  4. Medical conditions like Marfan syndrome, anorexia, and chronic liver disease may lead to stretch marks.
  5. Pregnancy may cause stretch marks on the abdomen and butt area.
  6. A sudden growth spurt during puberty is another common cause of stretch marks.
  7. Medications and treatments like chemotherapy, prolonged antibiotic therapy, contraceptives, and neuroleptics (antipsychotics) may trigger stretch marks.
  8. Family history.
  9. Smokers are also at risk of developing stretch marks than non-smokers.

​ While initial stretch marks may fade with home remedies, older and deep stretch marks may require medical attention.

When To Consult A Doctor

Consult a doctor if:

  • Your stretch marks have turned white or silver.
  • You need to undergo any of the medical procedures.

The doctor may conduct a physical evaluation to determine the stage of your stretch marks and prescribe treatment accordingly.

Stretch marks develop when your skin stretches beyond its capacity, leaving red or purplish stretch marks. Multiple factors such as weight loss or gain, hormonal changes, medication, or pregnancy results in the stretch marks on your butt. While you cannot permanently get rid of stretch marks, you can use topical creams to help fade them. You can also opt for medical procedures like laser therapy, micro-needling, or microdermabrasion to improve your appearance. Consuming a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and exercising regularly can improve your skin health and prevent stretch marks.