What To Eat When Nauseous – Foods To Eat And Avoid

- Diet Tips - August 12, 2022
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Have you ever wondered what foods to eat while you feel nauseous? And, how to beat that uneasy and unpleasant feeling? The truth is, nausea is merely a symptom. This means, if you are feeling nauseous, it is a sign of an underlying health problem.

From time to time, adults experience nausea. It can be due to allergies, pregnancy, food intoleranceXThe digestive problems (like nausea, bloating, etc.) that occur after the intake of certain foods. , certain medications, gut diseases, surgery, cancer treatments, and hormone disordersXDiseases that affect the organs that secrete hormones needed for proper body functioning. .

Eating food while feeling nauseous is a daunting task. But, staying hydrated and balancing your body’s electrolytesXMinerals in your body that carry an electric charge that helps control water content, stabilize blood pH, etc. is key to reducing nausea.

There are also certain foods that help reduce nausea. This post lists out foods you can eat and one you must avoid while feeling nauseous. Scroll down!

In This Article

What Are The Foods To Eat While You Feel Nauseous?

1. Apples


Apples are high in fiber and help rid your body of toxins faster. They also aid digestion (1). This way, they can accelerate intestinal transit and help relieve nausea.

You can either have an apple or make applesauce and have it with toast.

Related: 8 Surprising Health Benefits Of Eating An Apple Every Day

 2. Ginger


Gingerol and shogaol, two major components in ginger, have been shown to relieve nausea in chemotherapyXMost typical treatment for cancer involving the use of powerful chemicals that target rapidly multiplying cells. patients (2).

Ginger also helps relieve morning sickness commonly associated with pregnancy(3).

You can chew on a ginger root or boil it with water and consume it.

Note: Ensure you avoid excess ginger during summers as it may lead to a burning sensation.

3. Coconut Water


Coconut water plays an important role in helping with nausea (4). It can help treat morning sickness in pregnant women and dehydration-associated nausea in infants and children.

A tablespoon of lime juice with a glass of coconut water can help relieve nausea. While the coconut water has electrolytes, the lime juice can enhance the taste.

4. Broths


Don’t we love having soups when we are sick? Well, there’s a reason behind it. The hot broth helps clear nausea caused by headaches and congestion (5). When you are transitioning from liquid food to solid food during sickness, broth can be a good option.

5. Bananas


Nausea can make eating difficult. Hence, it is important to consume nutrient-dense foods. Bananas serve as a power-packed meal during these times. They are energy-dense, and they also stimulate the production of mucusXGel-like substance lining the surface of the stomach that protects the stomach lining and assists in the movement of food. in the stomach lining (6). This helps relieve gastric disturbances, including nausea.

Related: 33 Wonderful Benefits Of Banana For Skin, Hair, And Health

6. Herbal Teas


Herbal teas, like that of peppermint and chamomile, have shown to relieve nausea in women who had undergone a C-sectionXA surgical process to successfully deliver babies with surgical cuts made in the abdomen and uterus. (7).

Though there is no scientific evidence to back this up, many people with nausea have found herbal teas to be useful in relieving the symptoms.

Did You Know?Eating and staying hydrated when you are experiencing nausea is important because not eating anything can worsen the situation.

These are the foods that can help relieve your nausea. But steering clear of the wrong foods is as important as consuming the right ones. In the following section, we have listed the foods you should avoid as they may aggravate your nausea.

What Foods Should You Avoid?

1. Acidic Fruits


Consuming acidic fruits upsets the stomach more. Hence, opting for non-acidic fruits (like bananas is a better option.

Related: Top Acidic Foods That You MUST Avoid + Healthy Substitutes

2. Oily Foods 

Ulcers and gastrointestinal diseases can be very discomforting to your digestive system. These foods promote gas and lead to poor digestion.

3. Milk (Dairy Products)


Dairy products, including milk, may aggravate nausea and vomiting (8).

4. Refined Sugar

Foods rich in refined sugar are not easily digestible. They can lead to heartburnXBurning sensation experienced in the chest and throat when the stomach acid rises up the food pipe (esophagus). and, eventually, nausea (9).

5. Soda


Soda or other carbonated drinks can cause heartburn and indigestion (10). These are also high in sugar and can upset your stomach.

6. Spicy Food

Spicy food can irritate your stomach and aggravate symptoms of gastritisXInflammation in the lining of the stomach caused due to injuries, infection, or excessive consumption of alcohol. (11). This may lead to nausea.

7. Alcohol


Alcohol is a diuretic that causes your system to lose water, which can lead to dehydration (12). This can eventually cause nausea.

These foods/beverages can possibly aggravate nausea. Hence, we suggest you steer clear of them. In addition, there are other ways you can keep nausea at bay.

StyleCraze SaysIf your nausea is accompanied by other symptoms like chest pain or blurred vision, or if this condition has been lasting for a month, it is better to consult your doctor.

Tips To Control Nausea

Here are a few tips that you can follow to prevent or treat nausea:

  • Ensure you eat something healthy every 1 to 2 hours.
  • Eat and drink slowly as it will help you relax while enjoying your meal. Also, avoid consuming solids and liquids at the same time. Remember, your stomach is already upset, so keep your pace slow.
  • Avoid lying flat on your stomach right after eating as it can create pressure on your abdomen.
  • Food preparation and certain odors may also trigger nausea. So, be careful with your preparations.
  • Keep rinsing your mouth after you eat anything. The unpleasant smell that lingers in your mouth may also cause nausea.
  • Avoid being around the kitchen or any cooking area where the different aromas of food while cooking may aggravate the symptom.

Infographic: Foods To Eat And Avoid To Manage Nausea

It might be challenging to eat while you’re feeling nauseous. However, eating can keep your body healthy and strong. Choosing the right food and eating technique can reduce nausea. This infographic examines foods to eat and steer clear of when dealing with nausea. Take a look!

Nausea signifies an underlying health problem. It can be due to allergies, food intolerance, pregnancy, gut diseases, certain medications, surgery, hormone disorders, and cancer treatments. Nausea can also be triggered by food preparation and certain odors. So, to avoid nausea, it is crucial to stay hydrated and keep your electrolytes in check. Ginger, coconut water, herbal teas, and bananas are certain foods to eat while you feel nauseous. One has to eat in little portions at regular intervals. Eating light and staying hydrated is a must to fight nausea. It will help alleviate nausea and keep it from returning.