12 Potential Benefits Of Chyawanprash And Its Side Effects

- Diet Tips - December 8, 2022
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Chyawanprash is a popular herbal formulation known for its immune-boosting and antioxidant properties. This Ayurvedic rasayana has been used to help treat many ailments in traditional medicine for centuries. The benefits of Chyawanprash are numerous. The intake of this dark-jam-like substance or health supplement can offer protection against several seasonal infections, improve digestive system health, and help fight respiratory issues. This ancient herbal formula also offers protection against your everyday health concerns. In this article, we have discussed the benefits of Chyawanprash, how to take it, its ingredients, and possible side effects. Keep reading!

Stylecraze Trivia Charaka Samhita, an ancient Ayurvedic text, is reported to have the first historical mention of the recipe for chyawanprash. The text mentions it as superior to all other rejuvenating herbal tonics (5).

In This Article

What Is Chyawanprash?


Chyawanprash is a herb-based formulation and an ayurvedic health supplement. It is named after Rishi Chyawan who prepared it first. It is a blend of around 50 nutrient-rich herbs and minerals, with amla being the main ingredient. This traditional medicine tastes sweet, sour, and a tad spicy and looks like fruit jam to an extent. It is sticky and has a brownish-black hue. This ancient health supplement is rich in antioxidants with multiple health benefits (1). It supports the immune system, strengthens the digestive system, and promotes heart health (2), (3), (4).

According to ayurveda, Chyawanprash is the best herbal tonic for all. Let’s find out the benefits of this health supplement in the next section.

Benefits Of Chyawanprash


1. Boosts Immune Health

Chyawanprash is a traditional bioactive health supplement from India. It is the best medicine for enhancing immunity in your body (5). The amla (Indian gooseberry) in Chyawanprash is rich in vitamin C that helps boost immune health. Amla had also shown to have adaptogenic properties that enable the body to adapt to stress and regulate immunity (6). Chyawanprash could improves immunity, energy levels, and physical fitness in school-going children (7). It also was found to increase the activity of several cells in the immune system (8), (9).

2. Prevents Seasonal Infections

Seasonal changes can cause infections in some people. Taking Chyawanprash can help the body fight seasonal and viral infections (10). However, more research is required to further understand this particular benefit of Chyawanprash.

3. Enhances The Digestive System

The ingredients in Chyawanprash help improve the digestive processes. They help relieve gastritis and regulate gastrointestinal functions. The carminative properties of this ayurvedic medicine help prevent flatulence (5). Chyavanprash also helps clear the accumulated excreta (waste matter) by promoting digestion (11). It helps streamline bowel movements and digestion.

Related: 14 Home Remedies For Digestive Problems And Prevention Tips

4. Helps Fight Respiratory Issues

The herbs present in this ancient formulation can help people dealing with long-term and chronic respiratory ailments (12). It relieves asthma, cough, and respiratory infections (11). Chyawanprash may also helps improve lung function (4). It protects the body from infection and supports clear respiratory pathways.

5. Aids In Purifying Blood

People who lead a hectic life, get less sleep, or gorge on junk foods frequently get excess toxins in their bodies. When stored in the bodies, these toxins lead to the onset of several complications and ailments. They also hamper the natural blood purification process in your body. Eating Chyawanprash helps purify the blood and eliminate those excess toxic elements from the body (5).

Related: 12 Effective Foods To Improve Blood Circulation In The Body

6. Boost Skin Health And Appearance


Chyawanprash contains a number of herbs, including amla, which is rich in vitamin C (5). The high antioxidant content of amla helps fight free radicals that may otherwise lead to premature aging. Chyawanprash also reduces skin damage from UV exposure. One study conducted on hairless mice showed that Chyawanprash helped reduce levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS)(13). ROS are molecules involved in the aging process and oxidative damageXCellular damage that occurs when the number of oxidants or free radicals exceeds the body’s antioxidant defense capacity. . Chyawanprash may also helps improve skin complexion (14).

Related: 20 Best Foods You Must Add To Your Diet For Healthy Skin

7. Sharpens Memory And Aids Brain Function

Chyawanprash has anti-amnesic activity and may help in the treatment of amnesia. In one mice study, daily administration of Chyawanprash could protect the mice from memory impairment (15). The antioxidant properties of Chyawanprash may also have a beneficial effect on those with Alzheimer’s diseaseXA neurologic disorder that causes the brain to shrink and brain cells to die, affecting memory, thinking, and behavior. . However, more research is needed in this regard.

It also showed beneficial effects on the cognitive function of aged mice. It acts as a memory enhancer and improves learning abilities (16). In a study conducted on 128 college students, intake of Chyawanprash could increase concentration and alertness (17).

8. Promotes Healthy Weight Gain

Eating Chyawanprash helps in better absorption of minerals like calcium. This helps strengthen bones and improves muscle tone too, helping juveniles with healthy weight gain (5). Chyawanprash also promotes positive nitrogen balance and enhances serum protein levels in the body. This could also help with healthy weight gain (18). In another study, 99 newly diagnosed patients with pulmonary tuberculosisXA contagious and serious infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that affects the lungs and may spread to other organs. showed healthy weight gain following the intake of chyawanprash (19).

9. Improves Heart Health

Chyawanprash may also help reduce blood cholesterol levels (20). The amla in Chyawanprash may have significant cholesterol-lowering effects too (21). Also, the sesame oil in Chyawanprash is said to possess antioxidant and hypocholesterolemic (mechanism reducing in cholesterol levels) properties that help reduce cholesterol (22). The cholesterol-lowering properties of Chyawanprash could impact heart health.

Black sesame oil in Chyawanprash plays a key role in protecting cardiovascular function (23). Another study conducted on Swiss Albino mice found that administration of Chyawanprash could prevent acute cardiotoxicity (damage in the heart muscle) (24). The amla in Chyawanprash also has the potential to prevent various cardiovascular diseases (25).

10. Offers Energy For Daily Chores


Owing to workload, incessant multitasking, and tension, a lot of people feel a lack of energy in doing things, including daily chores. Chyawanprash contains plenty of herbal extracts that provide your body with enough energy to sail through the daily chores without feeling fatigued or worn out.

11. Reduces The Ill Effects Of Smoking

Tobacco smoke can damage DNA and increase the risk of cancer. Chyawanprash was found to show a reduction in the DNA damage from smoking (26), (27). However, the long-term effectiveness of Chyawanprash in in this regard has not been well established. More research is warranted.

12. Enhances Sexual Prowess

Chyawanprash can help boost sexual prowess and help cope with sexual problems better (5). The herbs in this formulation also help improve the menstruation cycle in females. More research is warranted in this regard.

13. May Help Fight Tuberculosis

Intake of Chyawanprash along with conventional drugs reduces pulmonary tuberculosis symptoms (28). However, more studies are warranted in this regard.

Intake of Chyawanprash was found to prevent tissue damage in kidney and liver-related issues (29), (30).

These are the many ways Chyawanprash can help improve your health. But how to use it right? We have discussed the same in the following section.

How To Take Chyawanprash?


Chyawanprash can be taken on an empty stomach or before a meal with warm milk. It can also be taken at night, preferably 1 to 2 hours after having dinner. A daily dosage of 1 to 2 teaspoons of Chyawanprash for adults and ½ a teaspoon for children is recommended. You can take Chyawanprash along with warm almond milk or water in place of regular milk.

Stylecraze Says It is best to consume chyawanprash within a year from its manufacturing date. According to a study, chemical deterioration may occur during the storage period, resulting in the loss of its therapeutic potency (5).

Chyawanprash is a multi-herbal formulation. But what are the main ingredients that are used in this herbal remedy? Scroll down to know!

Ingredients In Chyawanprash

Chyawanprash is made with oodles of herbs and plant extracts that have proven medicinal properties. The actual formula of Chyawanprash is said to be several thousand years old. The herbs and extracts used to make this formulation have immunity-boosting and energizing properties. The formulation can be stored outside the refrigerator and has a long shelf life in general. Brands like Himalaya, Zandu, and Dabur are known for making quality Chyawanprash in India. The number of ingredients used may vary from 25 to 80, but the main ingredients of Chyawanprash include:

  • Amla (Indian gooseberry)
  • Ashwagandha
  • Neem
  • Pippali (Indian long pepper)
  • White sandalwood
  • Tulsi
  • Saffron
  • Cardamom
  • Arjuna
  • Brahmi
  • Safflower honey
  • Ghee

Are there any side effects associated with the intake of Chyawanprash. Let’s find out in the following section.

Side Effects, Precautions, And Interactions

Chyawanprash is generally safe to consume, and there are no listed side effects and drug interactions. However, people with diabetes should be cautious about its higher sugar content. Due to a lack of safety profile, pregnant women should consult with a doctor before consuming it.

Infographic: Chyawanprash: Everything You Need To Know About It

Chyawanprash is a traditional Ayurvedic health supplement. It boasts of a rich history, origins, and nutritional profile. The formula contains a concentrated mixture of nutrient-rich herbs and minerals.

Learn from the infographic below why this Indian formulation is good for your health and what important ingredients it contains.

Chyawanprash is a herbal tonic known for its immune-boosting properties. This popular Ayurvedic Rasayana contains 50 nutrient-rich herbs, minerals, and antioxidants that help treat many ailments. Chyawanprash benefits your health in a multitude of ways. It may boost immune health, prevent seasonal infections, improve digestion, fight respiratory issues, and aid in blood purification. However, people with diabetes should check their portions as chyawanprash may be high in sugar. In addition, if you are pregnant, consult your doctor before consuming it.