12 Quick Pre-Run Breakfast Ideas

A frequent question from runners is, “What’s the best breakfast to eat before a long run?” What you eat the morning of your long runs doesn’t have to be that different from.


Swollen Fingers and Toes After Running

It’s common for runners to have swollen fingers and toes after a long run, especially when running in warm weather. You may be worried about this and wonder whether it indicates a.


Running a Half Marathon Before Running a Full

Any healthy person who is willing to make the commitment to training can complete a marathon. But it is helpful if you have some running experience before you take on the 26.2-mile.


When Your Foot or Toe Goes Numb When Running

It’s one thing for your foot to fall asleep when you’re just sitting around watching television or during a long plane flight. It’s quite another for it to happen while you’re actually.


Quick Lunch Ideas for Runners

Whether you run in the morning or afternoon, lunch is an important meal because it’s either helping you with your recovery or fueling your upcoming run. Yet some runners either skip lunch.


Runner’s Knee: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Runner’s knee refers to a dull ache or pain that is often felt in the front of the knee and can occur as a result of overuse or injury. Understanding its symptoms.


How Strict Are Time Limits in Races?

Many running races have cutoff times—a time limit by which all participants must cross the finish line. In most cases, there are good reasons for the rule. If you have never run.


Age Requirements to Run a Marathon

Encouraging young people to run is an excellent way to promote a lifetime of exercise and healthy living. Young runners may want to take their passion to a new level and participate.