Drinking Coconut Water During or After Running

Coconut water has gained in popularity as an alternative to sports drinks or recovery drinks for runners and other athletes. It is low in calories, fat-free, and cholesterol-free. But is it really.


Running and Hydration

It’s at once one of the easiest (drink when you’re thirsty!) and hardest (sweat rate? Electrolytes? Hyponatremia?) aspects of running: Hydration. For health and performance, runners need to pay attention to what.


How to Eat During Long Runs

It is not uncommon for runners to carefully plan pre-workout and post-workout snacks or meals. But sometimes you may need to eat during your run—especially during long runs.

There are different considerations to.


How Long Does It Take to Run a Marathon?

If you’ve ever wondered whether you’re capable of running a marathon the good news is with proper training almost anyone can. You might also wonder how long it would take you, but.


What Is an Ultramarathon?

Are you thinking about doing your first ultramarathon this year? Kudos to you for embracing a challenging yet incredibly gratifying goal! From training tips to race recommendations, find everything you need to get ready.


Marathon Packing and Traveling Guide

Traveling for a marathon or other race can be a special way to experience both the destination and the run. Whether you are revisiting a favorite place or exploring somewhere new, joining.


Pros and Cons of Barefoot Running

There is a growing subculture of runners going shoeless and embracing the barefoot running lifestyle. Advocates claim that running barefoot improves foot biomechanics and reduces injury risk.

While studies have found that running.


Spectators Guide for the New York City Marathon

Each year, more than 3 million spectators line the streets of the five boroughs of New York City as they watch and cheer more than 50,000 runners competing in the world-famous New.


Can You Drink Coffee Before Running?

Some people drink coffee before they go for a run and never have any issues. Others experience GI issues, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, or heartburn if they drink coffee before.